May 23, 2022
He’s Your God
"I will take you by the hand and will keep you." Isaiah 42:6 (AMP) He’s your God in the quiet, He’s your God in the test. ,He’s your God in the battle. ,He’s your God in the rest.
Read more.."I will take you by the hand and will keep you." Isaiah 42:6 (AMP) He’s your God in the quiet, He’s your God in the test. ,He’s your God in the battle. ,He’s your God in the rest.
Read more.."Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!" Becoming a Christian means we have been liberated from law keeping.
Read more..We need to take a hard look at ourselves and answer truthfully: “Are we living a spirit-filled life every day?”
Read more..Are you a representation of God’s light in the world? Are you exposing the darkness through the truth and bearing fruit for his Kingdom?
Read more..“Jesus said "While I am in the world, I am the light of the world." John 9:5 "Jesus also said that "You are the light of the world." Matthew 5:14
Read more..Give me eyes to see, O God, all the many wonderful ways you are providing for me and graciously providing the abundance you have poured into my life.
Read more..Forgiveness! What a sweet and precious gift. What we were powerless to fix, make up or pay for, God did for us in Jesus.
Read more..God is investing in you, caring for you, nurturing you. Be blessed with becoming everything He has called you to be and being all He has designed you to become so that all of heaven rejoices.
Read more..God's plan to save us is incredible. His blueprints for the creation of our universe are beyond our imagining.
Read more..Much has been said about Jesus’ “gift of the Cross.” But what of the other gifts? What of the nails, the crown of thorns? The garments taken by the soldiers? Have you taken time to open these gifts?
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