July 10, 2022
Jesus’ Heart
“Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow.” Isaiah 1:17
Read more..“Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow.” Isaiah 1:17
Read more..There is never a time you’re not in His thoughts, never a time without grace, never a time when He turns away from any need you face.
Read more..You can have peace in the midst of the storms of life because you are not alone. You belong to God!
Read more..I am so thankful to You Lord Jesus, for protecting us, Your little flock, Your children.
Read more..Do people in church get under your skin sometimes? That sister in church was getting on my last nerve and I was getting on hers. More than a decade later, we know we can call each other at anytime of the day or night, and we will pray for one another. I love her as if we were raised together.
Read more..Dear one, give your marriage to God and don’t give up. He’s the Great Physician who can heal marriages, too!
Read more..God is ...Able to do exceedingly beyond all your asking. Ephesians 3:20 ...Able to subdue everything under His control. Philippians 3:21 ...
Read more..What peace there is for Christians in the Almighty’s unfailing, unconditional care! Ask Him to help you start to grasp how great His love is.
Read more..Hear the call of your loving Father: our Father calls us out of darkness to come into His light; He calls us out of uncleanness to come into His purity;
Read more..“Here I am! Cleanse my heart and enable me to speak gracious words to them.”
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