August 31, 2022
Chosen Love
What is true unconditional love. Do we accept it from God? Why does my heart do this yo-yo dance with God? “How great is the love the Father has LAVISHED on us,
Read more..What is true unconditional love. Do we accept it from God? Why does my heart do this yo-yo dance with God? “How great is the love the Father has LAVISHED on us,
Read more..“Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” Philippians 2:4
Read more..We are all naturally wired to think only of ourselves. Other people mattered deeply to Jesus.
Read more..By setting my internal thermostat on God’s truths, what a difference it makes to my outlook. The whole day works better.
Read more..Many times, we are hesitant to share the gospel because we feel inadequate, but those feelings are from the enemy.
Read more..Knowing His voice means you will hear the voice of clarity and not confusion; you will know the voice of peace and not the voice of anxiety; you will be instructed by the voice of wisdom and not the voice of folly; will hear the voice of truth and not the voice of deception.
Read more..Today, there can be a new song in your heart. There is a God… and He loves you!
Read more..n: When do you get angry most often, and what opportunities are there in those situations to turn that anger into grace?
Read more..Prayer: Father, thank You for Your Spirit whose life flows in and out of us, touching everyone we meet every day. Amen
Read more..Father, help me to be sensitive to the deep spiritual need of those I come in contact with. May I willingly share with them the one who is capable of releasing them from their bondage to sin. Amen.
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