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Tag: love

September 23, 2021

This is How We Know Love

What does it mean to lay down our lives for our brothers? Sounds pretty extravagant, but the next verse in 1 John 3 reminds us that most often it's very simple:

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September 22, 2021


Christ does not want us too occupied in activities that have little to do with following him. We should choose the most direct route to Christ and exclude all other unnecessary pathways.

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September 16, 2021

God Knows Me and He Loves Me

Often we hide our true selves from people. We put on masks. We pretend. We people please. Why? We want to be liked. We want to belong.

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September 10, 2021

Taking Jesus with You

As long as Christ is in you, you can take Him anywhere you go!

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August 22, 2021

Praising God

It isn’t optional whether we’ll praise God or not. God is most worthy of praise, and every Christian, as the recipient of His grace, has been given both the wonderful opportunity and the obligation to praise God daily.

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August 21, 2021

Being Like Children

C.S. Lewis once said, “Christ wants a child’s heart, but a grown-up’s head.” Simply put, we must love Christ unconditionally while continuously learning about and sharing his love with others.

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August 19, 2021

You are Not Alone

As long as the world is here and as long as you are in it, you can be absolutely, positively certain that He is with you. Jesus is with you!

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August 17, 2021

Wisdom of God

When I consider the six billion people in the world - each having wisdom about life in their world - I realize how little wisdom each of us as individuals possess. Compared to God - next to zero.

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August 12, 2021

God is Cheering for You

If your God is Mighty enough to ignite the sun, could it be that He is mighty enough to light your path?

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August 7, 2021

Finding the Love You Have Always Wanted

Our father God is more wonderful than our mind can comprehend. Our Father is love, pure love, and He does not change.

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