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Tag: love

July 15, 2020

Beware of the Stronghold of Cold Love

To preserve the quality of your love, you must forgive those who have caused you to stumble. Depending on the issue itself, it may be that you legitimately cannot trust them, but you do not have a reason to stop loving.

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July 7, 2020

Strength for the Lonely

Loneliness is a painful emotion that many people fear. Paul knew what it felt like, so his life and letters can offer us encouragement when we’re lonely.

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June 28, 2020

Pent Up Anger

Pent up anger is an explosion waiting to happen. Sooner or later, the pent up frustration will explode, either in our own life or into the life of someone else.

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June 27, 2020

You are the Beloved

Hear and receive God’s Word in John 17:23 (NLT). “I in them and you in

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June 23, 2020

Prayer for Courage

Father, I so long to be bold and courageous as You have called me. I understand that You have not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind...

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June 9, 2020

Effective Eyes

Have you ever walked into a dark house? As you open the door, you feel fear. Who is there? What is happening in this lifeless space? You want the darkness to disappear. So, the best thing to do is to press the button to light up the room, right?

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June 5, 2020

The Least of These

Jesus tells us to care for the marginalized rather than the rich, beautiful, and influential.

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June 5, 2020

Light of the World

Prayer, O Holy God, please strengthen me so that with undaunted courage and with the compassion of Jesus I might display your light to the lost world around me. In the name of Jesus, the Light of the world, I pray. Amen

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June 3, 2020

Truth Be Told

Self-destruction is a dangerous course to plot. Yet, out of brokenness, I did exactly that.

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May 31, 2020

Emulating Jesus

Has the recent health crisis changed your perception of what is important on this side of eternity? We now live in a world where social distancing and potential self-isolation define our new normal.

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