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Tag: mercy

May 28, 2019

Greater Love

Lord Jesus, I don’t know why you loved me enough to give your life and sacrifice your relationship with your Father to save me and reconcile me to God. I am so grateful that through your obedience you were not only restored to your Father, but you also rescued me. With the hymn writer, I proclaim your amazing love today! Amen.

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May 26, 2019

Putting out the Welcome Mat

We are in the business of welcoming sons and daughters of the King, and that includes everyon - even those we'd rather not have in our family.

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May 22, 2019

God’s Promise

“Ma’am your son has been arrested for shoplifting.” My whole world came to a standstill. The pain was excruciating, the shame unbearable, the isolation overwhelming.

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May 21, 2019


The amazing words of Christ. Think about it. His words do not become less powerful or less true with the passing of time

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May 20, 2019

Compassionate Father

We serve a God who says that even when we’re under pressure and feel like nothing is going to go right, he’s waiting for us, to embrace us whether we succeed or fail.

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May 20, 2019

To Whom It May Concern

To whom it may concern, rest in the One who is compassionately aware of concerns, reigning over them, long-suffering, on-time, able to do exceeding, abundantly above all that we ask or think (Ephesians 3:20).

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May 15, 2019

Grow In Grace

Question: How do you plan and expect to grow in grace? Grow in grace. Increase in love to Jesus, and you will appreciate even more His love to you. .

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May 15, 2019

The Only Question We Need to Ask

I AM God and there is no other. I AM God, and there is none like Me. I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come.

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May 14, 2019

Remind Me Who You Are to Me Lord…

You are my Shelter…For he will hide me in his shelter in the day of trouble; he will conceal me under the cover of his tent; he will lift me high upon a rock. Psalm 27:5 You are my Strength…The LORD is the strength of his people, a fortress of salvation for his anointed one. Psalm 28:8

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May 6, 2019

God Never Gives Up

God’s people often forget their God, but God never forgets them.  When Joseph was dropped

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