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Tag: mercy

April 9, 2019

Run or Help?

As difficult as it is, can you withhold repaying evil for evil? Will you extend grace and forgiveness toward people who wound, offend, or assault you?

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April 9, 2019

The Curmudgeon

Friend, listen to God’s still small voice.  Be God’s sunshine in your neighborhood!

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April 7, 2019

The God Who Comforts

Read: 2 Corinthians 1:3-7 Look up comfort in a dictionary and you’ll find a definition

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April 6, 2019

God’s Sufficiency Exceeds our Needs

For every need, there is a name of God that meets the need. The great I AM stands ready with His supply from His eternal riches.  His infinite supply magnifies in bold relief our complete dependence on Him.

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April 4, 2019

Cutting Corners

Go Deeper — The next time you are tempted to cut corners or do something not completely honest, stop and pray. Ask God to forgive you and to give you the strength and stamina to complete the task with integrity.

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April 4, 2019

Is It Time for a Maintenance Check Up?

Just as regular maintenance keeps machines working, regular spiritual self-assessments would keep you aware of “loose bolts”.

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March 31, 2019

The Hands that Never Make Mistakes

Gods Hands are Open and Good.“You open Your hand, they are filled with good.” (Psalm 104:28)·  These are the Hands that never make mistakes.

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March 28, 2019

What are You Doing?

Think for a moment... who do you admire? the most admired people of the 20th century is Mother Teresa. Jesus is the ultimate example of a person with a willingness to help the helpless.

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March 25, 2019

Being in God’s Thoughts

His thoughts are always tender, loving, wise, sensible, and far-reaching. They bring to us countless benefits, so it is a choice delight to remember them.

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March 24, 2019

Forgiveness is Good for Your Health

How about you - holding on to any grudges? Forgiveness is good for your health! Want to help heal the world?  It begins with you.

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