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Tag: mercy

August 27, 2022

The Never Leaving God

‘I will never leave you nor forsake you…’  Hebrews 13:5 “Come on, Johnny. It’s time to go. Johnny, if you don’t come right now, I’m leaving you… OK, Johnny, here I go. Goodbye…” The harried mother walks away, not really intending to leave her child, but...

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August 26, 2022

He is God!

Poem about who God is: He is God! Come to Me, Separate yourself unto Me, Know Me, Trust Me ,I Am here: My love is here,

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August 25, 2022

Without Strength

May the Lord change the wind in your life, bringing you his Spirit who alone can preserve your soul.

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August 24, 2022

Ensnaring Sin

Even before we were born, God had a purpose for our lives and there are good works He needs us to do on this earth. On the other hand, there is an Accuser, an enemy of our souls, who does his best to keep us from fulfilling our purpose.

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August 23, 2022

Tension Adjustment Needed

Devotional on dealing with tension in our life. Lord, my problem really isn’t tension. It’s knowing how to deal with tension. Help me recognize when I’m using my human methods instead of turning to you. And thank you for the true rest you provide.

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August 22, 2022

Mirroring God’s Image

The next time you look in a mirror, smile, for God has made you well! Even if some of your body part's don’t work perfectly or as perfectly as they once did, the fact that you are alive and breathing is a beautiful gift in and of itself.

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August 21, 2022

Judging Vs. Justice

The next time you are quick to judge, stop and ask God to alter your attitude so you might be an instrument in bringing that person to true justice—through Jesus.

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August 21, 2022

Yearning for Justice

Thought: Do you take justice into your own hands, or do you rely on the One who is the definition of justice?

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August 17, 2022

No More Pain

This is the Jesus I worship, the One who feels our pain and meets us in its midst.

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August 16, 2022

Strength through Prayer

God, When your people are facing temptation, make them strong to resist and say “no” to everything that would draw them away from You; help them to say “yes” to everything that will draw them closer to Your heart.

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