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Tag: mercy

August 15, 2022

The Light

How bright does the light of Jesus burn in your life? Do you let the duties of the day to take precedence over our sharing the light? Pray that the light of Jesus may shine brightly in your life so that others may see the essence of the Gospel.

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August 14, 2022

Light for the Journey

In my spiritual journey also there are times when I have a hard time finding my way. What helps me at a time like that? I focus on the light of God’s Word.

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August 9, 2022

Knowing the Shepherd; The Shepherd Knows You

Knowing His voice means you will hear the voice of clarity and not confusion; you will know the voice of peace and not the voice of anxiety; you will be instructed by the voice of wisdom and not the voice of folly; will hear the voice of truth and not the voice of deception.

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August 7, 2022

A New Song

Today, there can be a new song in your heart.  There is a God… and He loves you!

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August 5, 2022

Each Time I Falter

Each time I falter and miss the mark you reach down your hand of mercy, and restore me to my feet.

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August 4, 2022

Sink Holes

Florida is famous for sinkholes that appear overnight, without warning. However, sinkholes are the culmination of a long process. The ground water dries up and the earth loses its support. Everything caves in and an ugly pit is formed.

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August 1, 2022

Everyone Needs Jesus

Father, help me to be sensitive to the deep spiritual need of those I come in contact with. May I willingly share with them the one who is capable of releasing them from their bondage to sin. Amen.

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July 31, 2022

When We Love Them, We Love Him

None of us can help everyone. But all of us can help someone. And when we help them, we serve Jesus. Who would want to miss a chance to do that? Continue reading...

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July 28, 2022

Stumbling Along

How encouraging to know that when we stumble, God is not only there to provide new strength for the race, but if our stumbling is caused by sin, he offers the remedy to make us whole and healthy again.

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July 26, 2022

Crying Out to God

Crying Out to God: When a crisis comes, cry out to our almighty God, but be sure you do so with a righteous heart. Then He will hear and answer—either fulfilling your hoped-for request or providing a different solution.

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