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Tag: mercy

August 25, 2020

God, Your Refuge

Make God your refuge. Not your job, your spouse, your reputation, or your retirement account. Make God your refuge! Let Him encircle you. Let Him be the foundation upon which you stand!

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August 24, 2020

Living Water for the Thirsty

When a Christian believer falls into spiritual depression, he or she often tries to lift themselves out of it by focusing on their sorrow. That’s not the way to rise from the dust. It’s a sure way to continue in it.

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August 23, 2020

Cling to the Rock

Friend, in these days of trouble and uncertainty, who do you turn to? Cling to the Rock! That Rock is Jesus.

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August 21, 2020

Fruit of Gentleness

Gentleness is biblical meekness, a positive quality, and Jesus commended it when he said that the meek will inherit the earth (Matthew 5:5). He lives the strength of his gentleness in you,

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August 17, 2020

Gentle and Humble

A gentle spirit is something we cannot produce in ourselves. But the Holy Spirit produces “love, joy, peace, kindness, gentleness” and much more. Why not ask the Holy Spirit to be in control of your life from now on?

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August 17, 2020

For the Good of Others

"Lord God our Father, whether we eat or drink or whatever we do, we do it all for Your glory. Help us as we try not to cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God and help us try to please everyone in every way. For we are not seeking our own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved. In Jesus name amen." 

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August 12, 2020

My All is Enough

Sanctified, blameless. Those words have always seemed unreachable to me. I believe in and depend on the finished work of Jesus for the salvation of my soul. His grace covers me, of that I’m certain. But blameless?

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August 9, 2020

Walking on the Mountain

Two hikers, bone weary from trudging toward the peak of a majestic mountain, pause when one says, “I think we’re on the wrong path; we’ve stopped making progress. Maybe it’s time to turn back.”

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August 7, 2020

Protection and Direction

Thank-you gracious and mighty God for your 'protecting' cover by day and the 'directing' fire by night. And also for your 'providing' loving arms that carry us all the time. In Jesus name, amen. Psalm 105:39

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August 1, 2020

Deliverance Comes

Does God guarantee the absence of struggle?  Not in this life.

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