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Tag: peace

November 1, 2019

Developing a Tender Heart

When touched by the finger of God, a tender heart yields to the pressure and assumes the form He desires, much like a lump of clay that allows the potter to determine the shape of the vessel.

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October 31, 2019

Who Am I Really? A Victim or a Victor?

If we base our self-worth on a sad experience which happened in the past such as: I’m a divorcee; I’ve had cancer,  I’ve suffered abuse…This leads to defeated thinking like I’m damaged goods, this is who I am; I can’t change it.

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October 27, 2019

Out of the Box

God is bigger than I will ever understand.  Greater than I can ever imagine and more powerful than a locomotive!  He’s my true Superhero!  So what is keeping me from praying Superhero prayers?

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October 26, 2019

You Taught Us How to Love

“We have spoken freely to you, …our heart is wide open. You are not restricted by us, but you are restricted in your own affections.” 2 Corinthians 6:11

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October 25, 2019

In Christ I Have a New Life

What happens when we repent of our sins and receive Jesus Christ as Savior? Jesus forgives us and cleanses us from all sin. We are adopted into his family. We’ll go to heaven when we die.

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October 23, 2019

The Blessing of His Will

God is the One who is able and willing to equip us with everything good for doing his will. He aligns our lives with his and works within our character to shape us. All this is done through Jesus Christ.

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October 21, 2019

Freedom from Anxiety

Persevering through anxiety is easier when we know God intimately, believe His Word, and trust Him explicitly. In the process, we’ll discover that our anxiety is outweighed by His peace.

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October 20, 2019

Where are We Going?

God has given us the freedom to choose how we live our lives and it is up to us to ensure that we choose the path that God is showing us. Do we take up too much time striving to meet deadlines or accomplish goals?

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October 20, 2019

Saying “Yes” to God

Since God’s call is primarily to have a relationship with Him characterized by daily surrender, what we do vocationally or ministry-related is an expression and over flow of God in us.

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October 17, 2019

Claiming Forgiveness

If you have truly confessed your sins, you can come now into the presence of God with great joy and a clear conscience and have perfect assurance and trust that whatever you ask for, you will receive because you are praying according to the will and the Word of God.

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