November 18, 2018
God’s Covenant
Whatever situations we are in, we need to be joyfully open to His rainbows so we may see the fulfilling of His Covenant in every part of creation.
Read more..Whatever situations we are in, we need to be joyfully open to His rainbows so we may see the fulfilling of His Covenant in every part of creation.
Read more..It can happen in a matter of minutes. A beautiful sunshiny day can become overcast, gloomy, and dank. Life imitates nature, doesn't it?
Read more..What do you do when the pressures of life seem greater than you can bear? Journeys through a valley are inevitable and painful, but God doesn’t waste them. The trials of life can be times of discovery about Him.
Read more..Here are six verses to start your day on the right foot. I hope this week finds you hand in hand with the Lord, walking with Him in sweet fellowship and knowing all the love He has for you.
Read more..How do you feel about the word surrender? It’s not a popular word in our culture. We are afraid that if we surrender we’ll be oppressed. Maybe a person in authority has abused us and colored our concept of surrender.
Read more..“Did I not say to you that if you would believe, you would see the
Read more..My own life was dramatically transformed when by faith I claimed the fullness and power of the Holy Spirit. The most important truth that I or anyone else could share with Christians is to help them understand the person and the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
Read more..So what can Paul mean by this verse? Though at first it sounds contrary to the Gospel, it actually confirms it. Read it again.
Read more..Vengeance is God’s. He will repay—whether ultimately on the Day of Judgment or intermediately in
Read more..Where can we go to remain secure from the onslaught of bad ideas, evil influences, and false hopes? We can go to God and his Word. While people can be disloyal and misguided, God's love is proven through history and through Jesus and his truth stands forever.
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