January 31, 2019
Walking as He Walked
If we had His walk how would we be living? If we had His generosity how would we be giving? If we had His ears how would we be listening? If we had His heart how would be caring?
Read more..If we had His walk how would we be living? If we had His generosity how would we be giving? If we had His ears how would we be listening? If we had His heart how would be caring?
Read more..We need to give ourselves permission to savor quiet, restful moments. They will refresh you. They will remind you who you are. You will have a new outlook on life and all that is going on around you.
Read more..My knees felt weak, my head spun. I was filled with so many toxic emotions at once. My colleague had grossly lied about me and my work, and it was too much to bear.
Read more..Fighting to maintain a peaceful mindset has been a daily battle for me having dealt with the seeds of fear being planted at an early age; all I knew was fear. I didn’t know that peace belonged to me.
Read more..Not only can we think about God, but he thinks about us! David seems almost overwhelmed by the concept of God’s unwavering attention being focused on his children. He describes God’s thoughts as not merely cerebral; they are precious.
Read more..It is right and good to ask for God’s new things, but are we ready for the sacrifices that may accompany the blessing? Does commitment accompany the request?
Read more..We live in an art gallery of divine creativity and yet are content to gaze only at the carpet. The psalmist marveled at such holy handiwork. "Where can I go from your Spirit?" he questioned with delight. "Where can I flee from your presence?
Read more..Faith or Fear. Every day we choose; many times a day. Faith over-rides Fear. Fear over-rides Faith.
Read more..Lord, accept me. I present myself, praying to live only in You and for You. Let my life be a ready sacrifice to you, and let my motto be, "For me to live is Christ."
Read more..It is easy to get caught up in who's right instead of what's right. God will give us opportunities to choose what's right versus who's right, as He continues to mold us to be more like Himself.
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