April 12, 2023
At the Feet of Jesus
Imagine…If you had the chance to sit at the feet of Jesus, To look upon His face and deep into His eyes, And listen to every word He had to say. Doesn't the very thought take your breath away? ...
Read more..Imagine…If you had the chance to sit at the feet of Jesus, To look upon His face and deep into His eyes, And listen to every word He had to say. Doesn't the very thought take your breath away? ...
Read more..Righteous Father, I know the cross was a brutal symbol of being cursed. Yet to me it is as precious as it is brutal and it is as beautiful as it was hideous. Through the Cross, you saved me from my sin and showed how much you loved me. Thank you!
Read more..It’s not always easy to go about the daily rituals when the heart is heavy, Lord, but I thank you for the balm those rituals bring to sorrowing souls. Thank you for being a God of the daily. I love you.
Read more..“He was wounded for the wrong things WE did. He was crushed for the evil things we did. The punishment which made us well, was given to Him, And we are healed because of His wounds.”
Read more..Be blessed today with the peace of Christ. Be blessed today with His peace that is beyond understanding.
Read more..I am writing you today to let you know I am thinking of you. Actually, I am always thinking of you, because you are the apple of my eye.
Read more..God cares for His children so much. He is such an organizer that it is nothing for Him to arrange our lives in such a way so we are available to help people in need.
Read more..God promises to be with us always. In fact, we cannot escape his presence.
Read more..2 Corinthians 5:17-18 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! .
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