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Tag: peace

January 17, 2023

Alert and Committed

Have you remained committed to your objectives and goals so far? “Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.” 1 Corinthians 16:13

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January 16, 2023

God Blesses You

All year round, every hour of every day, God is richly blessing us. He blesses us when we sleep, and when we wake His mercy is upon us. The sun may leave us a legacy of darkness, but our God never ceases to shine on His children with beams of love.

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January 16, 2023

Blessings of Time

Be blessed with the full purposes of God, which He planned before time, to be released to you in this time, in this season.

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January 15, 2023

Peace of Mind

Jesus offers us peace—the peace with God which he made possible through his death on the cross; the peace of God which fills our hearts with quiet confidence even when life is tough.

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January 14, 2023

Taking Risks

Where is God calling you to trust Him? Remember, each time you face risk, it’s an opportunity to experience His faithfulness firsthand.

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January 14, 2023

Are You Eager?

Lord, please show us Your way and prepare us for the task to which you call us. Help us to be willing to obey Your calling and step out in faith knowing you have prepared us. Amen.

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January 13, 2023

How Do You Start Fresh in a New Year?

Lord, I want to trust you with the new year ahead. Be my strength and my shield.

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January 12, 2023

True Love

A woman recently decided that life was not worth living anymore. She walked onto a highway overpass, ...

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January 11, 2023

I Trust in You

O God, you are my Hope. I trust in you and your promises. But I admit that at times, like even right now, I struggle with the confidence that you will act in response to my prayers and do what I've trusted you with my life to do.

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January 9, 2023

Shelter Living

Devotional on Psalm 91:1 “Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty…. He will cover you with His feathers..

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