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Tag: peace

November 15, 2022

The Cross

Are there anxious thoughts about life, your future, the future of someone you love? Take a trip to the cross. What is God saying to you?

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November 14, 2022


I kept hearing about others in Christian ministry who were “burning out” because they took on too much. I kept wondering how this could happen

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November 12, 2022

What Sparks Encouragement?

The Lord sprinkles encouragement throughout his holy pages to keep us going when life tries to strike against the hope we have in Jesus.

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November 12, 2022

God Supports Your Every Need as You Follow Jesus

God will be your strength, your wisdom, and your guidance. He’ll open doors of support and close doors that will take you in the wrong direction. He created you to succeed, and he’s been using people and circumstances throughout your life to equip you for your journey.

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November 10, 2022

A River that Flows From the Throne of God

Devotional: And, nourished by the river of life, the fruit we produce is “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” Galatians 5:22-23a. Continue reading...

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November 8, 2022

A Song of Love

"There are three things that endure - faith, hope and love - and the greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians 13:13

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November 7, 2022

God, Our Defender

Here is a big question. What is God doing when you are in a bind?  When the lifeboat springs a leak?  When the rip cord snaps? 

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November 5, 2022

Thankful for the Unexpected

In 1 Thessalonians 5, Paul calls us to offer grateful thanks to our heavenly Father in all things, for he knows this is the will of God concerning each of us.

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November 4, 2022

Do I Have To?

I didn’t want to forgive them. They’d emotionally abused me for a long time, and it felt like a bone bruise

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November 3, 2022


I recently read …Their ships were tossed to the heavens and plunged again to the depths; the sailors cringed in terror. They reeled and staggered like drunkards and were at their wits’ end. “LORD, help!” they cried in their trouble, and .... He calmed the storm to a whisper and stilled the waves.

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