December 17, 2022
Making Use of God’s Kindness
How has God shown you kindness, and how can you through everyday actions show kindness to others?
Read more..How has God shown you kindness, and how can you through everyday actions show kindness to others?
Read more..The story of Christmas is the story of God’s love. A love that was willing to give what was most precious to save a dying world. God so loved, that he gave his Son.
Read more..‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.’” Luke 18:16-17
Read more..When we put our faith and hope in Jesus, it not only gives us help, strength and power where we walk today but it also gives us hope for life after death. It is a confident expectation of the ultimate ’tomorrow’.
Read more..Love happens when.... When love happens, good happens… Kindness happens when love acts. Joy happens when love celebrates. Patience happens when love waits. Hope happens when love promises. Life happens when love gives...
Read more..Can you name a gift you passionately value? A calling is any inner tug or summoning to “give our gifts away.”
Read more..When our hearts and hands are open to giving, they are also open to receiving. When God asks us to give, whatever that may look like, He often has something to give back to us in return that is just as meaningful and special.
Read more..Someone posed these questions, “Where can I find God? How can I find Him?” He is already there waiting for me. While my body needed a night’s sleep to rejuvenate, He never slept or wearied for one moment. He who never tires or sleeps refreshes me each morning.
Read more..A vessel of honor is a vessel that is clean. If we are a clean vessel, we are a vessel that is ready to be used as the Master chooses.
Read more..Feast your heart and mind on all Jesus is today. Your roots will draw water from a deep place and you will be blessed.
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