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Tag: peace

November 2, 2022

Forgive or Forget?

Ask yourself, are refusing to forgive someone? If so, pray that God would soften your heart and empower you to forgive them just as Christ forgave you, and then thank him that the Holy Spirit does just that.

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November 1, 2022

The Lord Confides

“The Lord confides in those who fear him; he makes his covenant known to them.

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October 28, 2022

Dark Moments of the Soul

I have realized my view of God shapes every area of my life — my relationships, my attitudes, and even my sleep!Think with me for a moment — how loving is God? He sent His Son to die for us

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October 27, 2022

Praying When in Need

Prayer starts with transitioning our thoughts from the situation at hand to the Lord. What we need is His perspective on the difficulty we’re facing.

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October 26, 2022

Renewed Mind

O Lord, please guard my soul from pride, my heart from callousness, and my mind from too much focus on unimportant things and not enough on your things.

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October 25, 2022

Resting, Knowing, Waiting

Waiting can be hard. But dear one, walk by faith, not by sight. Peace is in resting, knowing, and depending upon the LORD and in God’s perfect timing.

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October 24, 2022

Eyes on Jesus

Holy God, forgive me when I chase what is false and let my focus shift from Jesus as my ultimate hero. I want to honor and serve him, having his life come alive in me,

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October 24, 2022

Dependency on God

The Bible teaches that dependency upon God is the right and natural way to live.

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October 23, 2022

The Winding Road of Life

Even when we don’t know where we are going, God’s sovereign direction is taking place in our lives.

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October 22, 2022


To live the life God wants you to live means that your life will be different. It will be different from the times when you lived independent of His lordship,

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