May 15, 2021
Confession Is Good for the Soul
Confession, while necessary, may not always bring the instant relief we desire but God is faithful to forgive and bring His healing.
Read more..Confession, while necessary, may not always bring the instant relief we desire but God is faithful to forgive and bring His healing.
Read more..We shouldn’t waste a precious minute of life doing things that don’t matter if that means the most important thing we can do is left undone.
Read more.."God's power to live a holy life and be a fruitful witness is released by faith, based on His faithfulness and the authority of God's Word."
Read more..What giants are you facing today? Meditate on the greatness or "bigness" of God. How do your problems compare?
Read more..I keep a running list of love notes. God’s love notes. Because unless He keeps telling me He loves me, my human heart stops believing it.
Read more..Gods' kingdom needs you. The poor need you; the lonely need you; the church needs you…. the cause of God needs you. You are part of the purposes He is working out in the world
Read more..Ephesians 5:18 "Be filled...with the Holy Spirit and controlled by Him" Jesus knew His disciples were fruitless, quarreling, ambitious, self-centered men, so...
Read more..My seat was in row thirty-seven, a window seat in the back of the plane. The seat beside me had an “occupied” sign on it, so I knew that the occupant must have boarded the plane in another city.
Read more..Question: What does the fact that Jesus has always existed and will always exist mean for you and me?
Read more..Jesus did not come to make us escapists, but overcomers.
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