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Tag: Prayer

January 29, 2019


We need to give ourselves permission to savor quiet, restful moments. They will refresh you. They will remind you who you are. You will have a new outlook on life and all that is going on around you.

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January 27, 2019

God Doesn’t Need Pretty Words

I’ve known many believers, both young and old, who don’t like praying out loud in a group because they don’t feel like they have the right words to say.

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January 23, 2019

Praying on Behalf of Others

...So I prayed for him. Interceded for him. Not a long prayer, just one that asked God to help this brother forgive his mom for so much pain, and that they might be able to talk about it, and work through it.

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January 2, 2019

God Answers Prayer

Dear one, don’t give up. Pray! The Bible says, "This is the confidence which we have before Him: that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.” 1 John 5:14 God will hear you - And He will answer too.

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October 31, 2018

Hold the Rope

Today when you encounter someone who is bearing a heavy load and struggling to keep afloat, “hold the rope” for her; pray for her and let her know that you are. If you are in a storm yourself be open about asking someone to hold you up in prayer. It will make a difference!

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October 28, 2018

When God Answers Do We Hear?

When we pray we should look carefully for a response. It may be disguised even though it is right before our eyes. And when God answers our prayers we should rejoice, give thanks and give Him all the glory.

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May 9, 2018

Two Sticks of Dynamite

I remember the day a couple called me over to pray with them in a specific situation. I made the appointment. I listened. And I prayed. Yet when I left I had the sense that my prayer had not gone past the ceiling. I felt frustrated.

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May 5, 2018

Posture of Prayer

To be honest, I have wrestled a lot with this thing called prayer. *Why does God want us to pray when He knows what we need even better than we know ourselves? *What good does my prayer even do?  Who am I to change God’s mind or challenge Him on His ideas?

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May 5, 2018

Ask What You Will

Prayer has always been the breath, life, vitality, strength and power of the Christian. Beginning with our Lord, who spent much time in prayer, and continuing with the disciples and fruitful, Spirit-filled Christians through the centuries, prayer remains a major emphasis in the life of every believer.

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April 6, 2018

Loving Like God Loves

Need more patience? Is generosity an elusive virtue? Having trouble putting up with ungrateful relatives or cranky neighbors? God puts up with you when you act the same. Luke 6:35 says, “But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.” 

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