November 9, 2019
Pray Before You Leap
As I recently prayed about an important decision I needed to make, I remembered there was a time when I didn’t. As a young Christian I didn’t even know that I should.
Read more..As I recently prayed about an important decision I needed to make, I remembered there was a time when I didn’t. As a young Christian I didn’t even know that I should.
Read more..All farmers know that when the harvest is ripe, time is of the essence. Our time on this stage is short, no matter our ages, and the harvest is ready. It won’t last forever.
Read more..If we base our self-worth on a sad experience which happened in the past such as: I’m a divorcee; I’ve had cancer, I’ve suffered abuse…This leads to defeated thinking like I’m damaged goods, this is who I am; I can’t change it.
Read more..Question: How can you seek to grow spiritually in the next week, month, and year?
Read more..“Put on the full armour of God so that you can take your stand against
Read more..To become more mature in your faith, spend more time in His Word and look out … you will see the tempter coming. Armed with the Word, you will have the strongest armor to fight back.
Read more..I needed to confess. What is confession? Well confession is not complaining. If I merely recite my problems and rehash my woes, I’m whining. Confession is a radical reliance upon grace.
Read more..“O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before You and wait in expectation. Psalm 5
Read more..Making a difference in the world often involves sacrifice. Are you willing to take that risk in the Spirit's strength?
Read more..Thinking like a servant doesn't automatically make you one, but it goes a long way toward getting you there. If you are thinking like a servant, you are noticing others; and the more you are aware of others, the more the Holy Spirit can use you in reaching out to them
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