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Tag: refuge

September 16, 2020

The Full Expression of Love

His Righteousness is the character of love; His Holiness is the beauty of love; His Omnipotence is the power of love; His Omnipresence is the nearness of love;

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September 15, 2020

What am I Doing?

"I do not seek my own will, but the will of him who sent me." John 5:30 Economic uncertainty sends us into the world of “what ifs.”

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September 13, 2020

Sheltering Kelly

My home was Kelly's protection from her mom’s verbal abuse, rowdy friends, and alcoholism.

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September 9, 2020

Our Safety Net

During uncertain times, my need for extra security rises. I store up more worldly goods and spend more time trying to figure out ways to protect my loved ones. I wonder if I am doing enough to keep them healthy and safe

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September 6, 2020

Living Beyond the Darkness

We all have a choice at how we view life. Sometimes in the darkness, it can be difficult to see what God is doing.

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September 4, 2020

The Secret to a Joyful Life

How much more could we be transformed into joyfulness if we thanked him not only for the good gifts but for everything? What if we thanked God for the trials, heartbreaks, and losses?

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September 3, 2020


Lord, we praise You for Your patience with us and we lift to You all those things in our lives that may still be in rebellion to the will of God in us. Please enable us to overcome our reticence to allow You into these situations.

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September 1, 2020

Look to Jesus

'Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path' Proverbs 3:5&6

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August 28, 2020

Don’t Be Afraid

Let God bring you life.. He won’t turn you away, and you will have his love forever. Fear him while you have breath and come to him in repentance.

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August 27, 2020

God Sized Prayers

Our prayers don't have to be limited to what we can think of to ask for. God is far greater and more creative.

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