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Tag: refuge

April 11, 2024


Lord, help me to press on with my goals as I seek to please, serve, honor and glorify you. What goals have you set for yourself?

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April 10, 2024


What snares tempt us and entrap us?

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April 8, 2024

Instant Forgiveness; Lingering Consequences

With repentance and confession, God forgives instantly. But He doesn’t remove the consequences of our sin. We have to live with those consequences.

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March 28, 2024

Scorned Like the Master

If we were more like Christ, we would be more hated by His enemies.

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March 27, 2024

The Believer’s Journey to the Cross

We all know that Jesus walked the road to Calvary, but did you know that believers also journey to the cross? We've all been positionally crucified with Christ, but those who hunger for Him participate in a deeper experience of this reality.

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March 26, 2024

Changed from the Inside Out

The stumbles of a toddler do not invalidate the act of birth. And the stumbles of a Christian do not annul his spiritual birth.

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March 24, 2024

Return to Me

Are you hurting? Is your heart in need of healing? Do you need God’s comfort, His hope, and His restoration?

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March 23, 2024

Our Heavenly Father’s Unconditional Love

God's commitment to us has absolutely no conditions or restrictions and isn't based on whether we love Him back. Nor does He have more love for "good" people who may strike us as more worthy.

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March 22, 2024

Prayer to Follow God

God’s word tells us that we are actually deceiving ourselves when we know God’s way and yet do not do what it says. The road to freedom is in doing what we hear in His word.

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March 22, 2024

The Fragrance

Oh the joy of the refreshing presence of Jesus, clear and distinct to us once more as we come into His presence and ask forgiveness by His Grace.

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