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Tag: serve

August 24, 2023

What’s Holding You Back?

What's holding you back from being an active witness?

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August 4, 2023

Weak but Strong

Today's Challenge: Speak with those who are going through trials and let them know you understand what they are going through.

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July 27, 2023

Good and Pleasing to God

In our lives as Christians, we need to remind each other of what we are doing right and just simply say, "Hey, you're doing well'"

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July 16, 2023


We can never determine all the why’s of God’s leading. But we know this . . . His own, silent answer to our why’s have a greater meaning than we could ever comprehend.

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July 13, 2023

Too Much Grey!

In today’s world, believers need an infallible moral compass to ensure they don’t surrender to popular opinion.

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July 7, 2023

Be Mindful of Others

"When I first became a believer, there was nobody to disciple me so I...” was the same story I had heard time and again, unfortunately. New followers of Christ who have never attended church before often lack a spiritual mentor, which is understandable.

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July 4, 2023

Different Parts, Different Hearts

When we all do our part in the body of Christ, everyone gets a job, everyone gets honored and everyone's important.

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July 1, 2023

Follow the Leader

"He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.” Psalm 23:3

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June 30, 2023

Living Your Faith

“Whoever claims to live in Him must live as Jesus did.”

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June 9, 2023


Two balloons were given to volunteers. The instructions were simple. Keep the balloon in the air; don’t let them touch the floor. One volunteer began carefully tapping the balloon with focused attention. Tap, tap, tap and on he went with a valiant effort bouncing the balloon up,

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