January 14, 2023
Are You Eager?
Lord, please show us Your way and prepare us for the task to which you call us. Help us to be willing to obey Your calling and step out in faith knowing you have prepared us. Amen.
Read more..Lord, please show us Your way and prepare us for the task to which you call us. Help us to be willing to obey Your calling and step out in faith knowing you have prepared us. Amen.
Read more..Have you thought about the legacy you want to leave and the impact you want to make on the lives of others?
Read more..Today why not look for the places you can excel in the grace of giving.
Read more..Prayer: Loving and Compassionate God, we can only be truly happy when we have a willing heart. Help us to open up our hearts so that we may let your light shine through to all that we meet.
Read more..Can you name a gift you passionately value? A calling is any inner tug or summoning to “give our gifts away.”
Read more..When our hearts and hands are open to giving, they are also open to receiving. When God asks us to give, whatever that may look like, He often has something to give back to us in return that is just as meaningful and special.
Read more..“I have decided that sitting on the fence is not a God thing,” I told my family. “Chose you this day, whom you will serve” Joshua 24:15
Read more..“Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.” Colossians 3:17
Read more..“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord," Colossians 3:23
Read more..You may not feel recognized enough where you serve. But remember, the Lord himself will reward those who do good.
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