June 21, 2023
The Trustworthy Character of God
Whom do you trust? It isn’t easy to find many people who are true to their word. At some point, we all learn the hard way that anyone other than almighty God can disappoint us.
Read more..Whom do you trust? It isn’t easy to find many people who are true to their word. At some point, we all learn the hard way that anyone other than almighty God can disappoint us.
Read more.."Why are we so keen to have families and yet not give them the priorities given in scripture?" There is a danger, where parents are too busy for their children, that it can have effects on the family and on the society both present and future.
Read more..Psalm 52:8 "I am like a green olive tree in the house of God: I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever." A devotional focusing on the different aspects of what God's mercy is.
Read more..Two balloons were given to volunteers. The instructions were simple. Keep the balloon in the air; don’t let them touch the floor. One volunteer began carefully tapping the balloon with focused attention. Tap, tap, tap and on he went with a valiant effort bouncing the balloon up,
Read more..What are you facing today that has you considering throwing in the towel? Do you not realize the potential that lies on the inside of you! You are destined to defeat what has tried time and time again to defeat you. Fear's presence should serve as a reminder that your fight is worth winning.
Read more..Holy Spirit Devotional - Certain conditions must prevail, of course, before the Holy Spirit can speak through us. But they are easily met.
Read more..Someday, my soul will go to heaven, but my body will remain, being properly lowered into the earth where all but the bones will decompose over time.
Read more..Prayer: Help me, Lord, to trust you enough to wait. And to be aware whether your Spirit is whispering, “Go, stay or wait.”Was there a time in your life when God asked you to wait?
Read more..Scripture is clear that God is near. He invites us to call upon Him, but not just in times of trouble. He created us for fellowship in the good times as well as encouragement in the difficult times of life. His value is the same, in both good times and bad.
Read more..The only way you will fulfill God’s destiny for you this decade is to rely on God’s strength. And that means you have to confess ‘I can’t’ before you can agree ‘God can.’ Otherwise, we’ll just keep thinking there’s still some ability (competency, sufficiency) in us that will allow us – independent of God – to do ...
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