January 17, 2022
To Boldly Go
Lord Jesus, thank You for making a bold commitment to me by becoming like a slave to change my history, now and eternally. Thank You for Your willingness to die, then rise again, for me.
Read more..Lord Jesus, thank You for making a bold commitment to me by becoming like a slave to change my history, now and eternally. Thank You for Your willingness to die, then rise again, for me.
Read more.."Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8
Read more..“I am the bread that gives life.” John 6:35 Can you see why Jesus called himself the Bread of Life?
Read more..Holy God, thank you for reminding me of the great hope that I have in Jesus. May I always keep that hope in the forefront of my mind and may that hope make me bold. Amen.
Read more..Heavenly Father, help us to seek to be transformed into a beautiful reflection of your love and glory. And once transformed, help us never to forget to offer thanks for making us more like Christ. Amen.
Read more..How do we move on when our spirits have been wounded, or our families disrupted? “…I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, ...
Read more..God calls us to guard our hearts and minds carefully. God tells us to let faith take the upper hand and cover over the fear that tries to slip in.
Read more..God wants us to treat each other as he has treated us, thinking of their needs and God's will before our own. Now that's one revolution I hope I get to see fully happen!
Read more..Like Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds, we are so prone to fear. We’re afraid because we feel alone and forsaken, when we encounter the unknown, and when we face something bigger than us. Why we do not need to be afraid?
Read more..Everything changes when we see the face of God. He came with tears, too.
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