December 7, 2021
Look Into God’s Face
Everything changes when we see the face of God. He came with tears, too.
Read more..Everything changes when we see the face of God. He came with tears, too.
Read more..Father, Thank you for the assurance that I won't have to face a day without you. Thank you for the comfort of knowing that I will never face my sorrows alone.
Read more..Stay spiritually fresh. Stay connected with God. Keep your spiritual batteries charged. If only I had a spiritual charge meter to tell me when I have only one bar left like on my phone.
Read more..Have you ever looked at someone and thought, He’s so lucky or her life is so easy?
Read more..In Christ, we discover not only restored intimacy with God, but the pathway to healed fellowship with our family and our former friends. Jesus brings peace to our souls.
Read more..Let the Lord be the One— you call on: "I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised; so shall I be saved from my enemies" Psalm 18:3.
Read more..EVERYTHING: God is vast and real! There is nothing and no one that escapes His knowledge. God is present! You are never alone even in the midst of deep challenge.
Read more..Say this as a prayer – In faith, I know this to be true: I know my God goes before me and comes behind me (Psalm 139:5). He is “my refuge, a...
Read more.."Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may Ephesians 6:10-11
Read more..You know, we are the children of God. Who do we look like? Can people see Jesus in us?
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