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Tag: strength

October 13, 2019

Embracing God’s Call

God calls every Christ-follower to be his hands, feet, and voice. May his enduring grace inspire us to influence our sphere of influence and especially those he calls to become his own.

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October 10, 2019

Immeasurably More

Of all the names for God in the Bible, this is my favorite: "Him who is Able to Do Immeasurably More." Our God is the same God who parted the Red Sea and fed 5,000 on a green hillside with only a couple of sardine sandwiches.

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October 5, 2019

The Professional Killer Got It

We never know how a person will come to faith in Christ. It might take a hundred different encounters to draw someone to Jesus.

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October 4, 2019

He Hears Our Cries

God knows the hopes of humble people, and He will hear our cries and comfort our hearts. Sometimes He withholds the rain; other times He sends the rain and with it the outpouring of His blessings.

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October 2, 2019

Respond or React

Susan yelled at the kids. She didn’t like doing it but it seemed to be

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September 28, 2019

No Regrets

Lord Jesus, thank you for never giving up in your pursuit of your people. Thank you that you have never given up on me, even when I want to give up on myself. Thank you for showing me the way to joy. Amen.

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September 22, 2019

The Root of the Problem

Our lives are similar. We let thing grow into our lives that can smother us.

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September 17, 2019

Fear Not

Father, You are an ever present help in trouble. You have created us and know our tendency to fear, but You ask us to turn to You because You want to help us. Thank You for Your love, mercy, peace, and strength. Amen.

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September 14, 2019

God Isn’t a Consolation Prize

It’s the promise of a life beyond this broken one, a far better life than we have ever known that we must cling to in this uphill journey. 

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September 13, 2019

Stand Firm

We have been set free! We are delivered from law, sin, and death. We have been set free to serve God and share in his grace eternally. So how will we use that freedom?

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