August 27, 2019
Jesus Desires Mercy, Not Sacrifice
When you feel condemnation coming at you like a furious flood, look to Jesus, who says, “I no longer condemn you. Go and sin no more”
Read more..When you feel condemnation coming at you like a furious flood, look to Jesus, who says, “I no longer condemn you. Go and sin no more”
Read more..The fruit of the spirit is not an emotional response. It is God in you. Be blessed to keep in step with His Spirit and draw on who He is.
Read more..Struggles: Yes we all go through them. Sometimes we know why and probably most often we don't. James tells us to...
Read more..Your Lord is jealous of your love. Did He choose you? Then He cannot bear that you would choose another.
Read more..The misery of inferiority is never what God intends for His children. Its seed usually takes root in the impressionable hearts of the young and thrives in an atmosphere of comparison.
Read more..“I want to know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering” Philippians 3:10 How are you doing today? Is everything going great or are you struggling with a broken relationship? Or perhaps you have an incurable disease - maybe something worse.
Read more..Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by life’s problems? You want to soar above them but you feel yourself being sucked under. During one such time, a chaplain’s true story gave me hope.
Read more..I don't know your story and you don't know mine, but we share a common theme. We are driven by the search for true identity,
Read more..Your faith will grow stronger as you focus on your identity in Christ (Galatians 2). What this means is that you abandon any image of yourself that is not from God.
Read more..God wants us to face our problem situations and work them out. With His personal presence in our lives, and His wonderful promises of help and encouragement, we will begin to see His hand at work in our lives,
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