June 22, 2022
The Unfailing Love
Do you ever question where you’re at in life? Do you ever wonder why a certain thing happens to you and not to others?
Read more..Do you ever question where you’re at in life? Do you ever wonder why a certain thing happens to you and not to others?
Read more..Think about it. Is your faith unsinkable? When your physical boat sinks, are you going up or down?
Read more..Keep praying. And if you don’t have the words, God has an abundant supply we can use.
Read more..If properly used, social media can help grow the Kingdom of God. But if we are not on guard, social media can easily become an idol worshiped in a real sense, distracting us from the only one deserving of worship, God.
Read more..I often think of faith as this great, huge thing but I’m learning that faith is more often the tiny steps that I take. It’s that moment when I stand up and say, “OK God, I’ll follow you there” --even when, especially when, it’s not where I wanted to go.
Read more..Our insufficiency drives us to God. When we realize a situation is bigger than we can handle, we're quick to open the Bible and diligently pray for guidance and power.
Read more..for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.” Philippians 4:11
Read more..A revolutionary for Christ is someone whose heart is totally His, who listens, believes and obeys God implicitly. You can be a revolutionary right where you are. God can use your life in incredible ways.
Read more..“We need to trust God in the little things, and also in the VERY little things.” – George Mueller Imagine – if possible – existing before anything else did. Speaking galaxies into being. Knowing the end from the beginning.
Read more..“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14
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