April 29, 2022
Soar Like an Eagle
You are not meant to be tumbling in the undertow; you are meant to soar. Because Christ lives in you, you can live triumphantly.
Read more..You are not meant to be tumbling in the undertow; you are meant to soar. Because Christ lives in you, you can live triumphantly.
Read more..Unhealed hurts can lead to various symptoms, such as feelings of inferiority, fear of failure or criticism, and oversensitivity.
Read more..Be blessed to know that your Father created you for this time. He knew exactly what would be happening in your life as you are living it now
Read more..Have you ever had a spiritual high, only then to slide into the valley at lightning speed? You come home from a fabulous spirit-filled retreat and discover the water heater burst and flooded the house, or the entire family contracts the stomach virus, or you get an IRS audit notice in the mail. Why Lord? Couldn't You have let me feel great for just a while longer? Jesus understands. The same thing happened to Him:
Read more..Although we can’t always grasp what God is doing in our circumstances, we can rely on His promise to work all things together for good to those who belong to Him
Read more..God's plan to save us is incredible. His blueprints for the creation of our universe are beyond our imagining.
Read more..I lock my doors sometimes too. Emotional doors because I fear hurt or rejection. Intellectual doors because I’m unsure what deep study will uncover. Spiritual doors because I wonder if giving my all will truly mean giving my all.
Read more..God has given you great gifts of inner peace, joy of living, sense of well-being, solidness and strength inside, and healing. Share your life in encouragement, hope, and trust. When you are secure, your presence is a joy to those who know you.
Read more..God orders our steps so that every step we take will be one that is pleasing to Him —Psalm 37:23 God’s word keeps us from taking a step on slippery ground—Psalm 37:31 Each step of obedience moves us into God’s prepared place—Psalm 40:2
Read more..The Bible warns about the real warfare that is going on, not in sports arenas – the spiritual kind. “Put on the whole armor of God . . .and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God (Ephesians 6:13,17).
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