September 1, 2021
Take Your Cue from Fear and Trust God
Fear stalked me like a lion seeking prey, ready to pounce at any moment. It was a paralyzing terror that threatened to overwhelm me, especially in the dark hours of the night.
Read more..Fear stalked me like a lion seeking prey, ready to pounce at any moment. It was a paralyzing terror that threatened to overwhelm me, especially in the dark hours of the night.
Read more..How can we know we are on the correct path, even if it seems to have changed names? By letting someone else drive...God
Read more..Do you feel confident today that God is always faithful? That He is exactly who He says He is? Aren’t you glad He doesn’t change His mind or get PMS or forget about His promises?
Read more..God's greatest blessings often come costumed as disasters. Some of you doubt it. How can God use cancer or death or divorce? Simple. He's smarter than we are.
Read more..He Holds You God never leaves you alone… He never forgets about you… He looks
Read more..We can calmly take our concerns to God because he is as near as our next breath.
Read more..Start your day with reminding yourself of God's steadfast, unmovable love for you. Before your feet hit the floor in the morning, thank Him for His loving kindness toward you.
Read more..So often when we’re faced with a critical choice, all we want from the Lord is a quick answer. But He delights to meet with us in order to deepen our relationship with Him.
Read more..As long as the world is here and as long as you are in it, you can be absolutely, positively certain that He is with you. Jesus is with you!
Read more..I’m ashamed at how easily I slide into a faith that is only concerned about my comfort and not God’s ways.
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