November 8, 2020
Jesus Makes Us Overcomers
Jesus did not come to make us escapists, but overcomers.
Read more..Jesus did not come to make us escapists, but overcomers.
Read more..Sheep need a shepherd. Sheep need a constant overseer. Other animals can fend for themselves. But not sheep. Sheep need a shepherd whose life work is to care for his sheep.
Read more..I grew up saying the Lord's Prayer. I've said it so often that I to tend to rattle through the words. Many of us do, I suppose. In fact, I read that if I say the Lord’s Prayer as I wash my hands,
Read more..Does one prevailing problem leech your life? Some are prone to cheat. Others quick to doubt. Maybe you worry. Yes, everyone worries some, but you own the national distributorship of anxiety.
Read more..We were driving through a small town in southwestern British Columbia when I noticed the sign on a clothing store. The store was called TEMPTATIONS. Interesting name, I thought. Then I smiled when I saw that both of the show windows had huge white banners proclaiming, “DOORS CLOSING.”
Read more..The Word of God is the secret of faith. "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God."
Read more..God never defaults on His promises. He never walks away. He never gets it wrong. God’s Word tells us that He is a rock when everything else we may put our trust in is sand.
Read more..Ever feel as if you need to get away? So did Jesus. (Mark 1:35) Ever have so many demands that you can’t stop for lunch? He can relate. (Mark 6:31) . . .
Read more..John 5:24-26 “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes
Read more..Amidst all the lists and details running through my mind I found words from Psalm 23 pushing into my consciousness. God’s presence was nudging me to draw close. I realized again that where I focus is my choice.
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