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Tag: truth

October 9, 2020

Great Anticipation

Looking back at the different phases in our life is like reviewing a book. Each chapter starts with great anticipation and usually ends with reflection and questions of tomorrow.

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October 8, 2020

The Promises of God

A promise is valuable only if the one making it has trustworthy character and the ability to carry through. Our heavenly Father is truthful, faithful, loving, and all-powerful.

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July 11, 2020

How Knowledge Strengthens You

Every Christian understands that knowing God is the highest and best form of knowledge. This spiritual knowledge is a source of strength to us in our faith.

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July 8, 2020

Acquaint Yourself with Him

Questions: What aspects of the Trinity, God’s triune nature, do you find most comforting? Most confusing?

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June 30, 2020

Spiritual Warfare

“for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against

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June 17, 2020

Confidence in the Lord

Clearly the confidence the Psalmist expressed was confidence in God. He did not say, "I have grace enough to perfect that which concerneth me. My faith is so steady that it will not stagger." No, his dependence was on the Lord alone.

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June 15, 2020

What Pulls Your Strings?

Who’s in control of your life? Who’s pulling your strings? For the majority of us, it’s other people – society, colleagues, friends, family or our religious community.

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May 5, 2020

Three Things to Believe Today

You cannot know what Jesus has said without knowing the Scriptures. His words are there for you to hear, to believe, to receive, and to obey. His words are true words, good words, living words, whole words, righteous words.

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April 10, 2020

Betrayed by Judas

Jesus knew Judas had been seduced by a powerful foe. He was aware of the wiles of Satan’s whispers (he had just heard them himself). He knew how hard it was for Judas to do what was right. He didn’t justify what Judas did. He didn’t minimize the deed. Nor did he release Judas from his choice. But he did look eye to eye with his betrayer and try to understand.

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March 10, 2020

Why Parables?

Father God, help me to understand your written parables. Give me the grace, through your Holy Spirit, to be a doer of your Word.

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