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What Makes You Different?

By Vonette Bright

Lola shook her head.
She wondered how Judy could be so nice to insensitive customers.
That included one very obstinate client who Judy had just served.
Lola asked, “I don’t understand.  How can you be so nice? What makes you different?”
Judy responded simply, “It’s Jesus!”  She invited Lola to dinner.

Lola was surprised at the warmth of their conversation.
Then she noticed a Four Spiritual Laws booklet that had dropped out of Judy’s  purse.
Judy realized this was an opportune time to share the booklet with Lola.
It explains God’s love in a very simple way.
When asked if Lola wanted to invite Jesus into her life, she responded, “Oh, yes!”

Dear one, share God’s love today!
You can find the Four Spiritual Laws on-line, in many languages at:

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