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Mentoring Guidelines for Volunteers

“The Internet provides awesome opportunities to mentor people from many countries of the world and walks of life.”

“For you must teach others those things you have heard me speak about.  Teach these great truths to trustworthy men who will, in turn, pass them on to others.”   2 Timothy 2:2

Expectations of all Mentors

Active and Growing Relationship with Christ:  Mentoring involves a sincere desire to encourage others with the wisdom of the Bible. We actively pursue mentors who have a deep desire to share the love of Christ, and we realize that one cannot expect to show Christ to others if we are not engaged in a growing relationship with Christ ourselves.

Agreement with our Statement of Faith . It is important that you read it carefully to ensure that you can agree with our foundation of belief. As you fill out the application form, please be sure to indicate that you have read the Statement of Faith and if you agree with it or not. Statement of Faith.

A Character Reference from a Pastor or Mature Christian is required for each mentor applicant. As part of the application process please send your chosen leader the link to this webpage and also the link for the Character Reference Form.


  • Check E-mail Daily: Mentors are required to check their e-mail each day, except for weekends. Even if you do not receive a mentoree for a given time period, you should continue to check your emails.
  • 48-hour time period. – Replies to mentorees must be made within a 48-hour time period.
  • Send Copy to Co-ordinator: The first reply to a mentoree is to be “blind carbon copied” to the Mentor Coordinator at This ensures quality control and the “bcc” ensures that the mentoree feels that her story remains in confidence and is secure.
  • Flexibility in Your Level of Involvement: Ideally, our mentors respond to one or two emails per week; however, if you are interested in answering more, we would welcome your involvement.
  • Flexible Schedule: If you are unavailable during a certain time, please let the Mentor Coordinator know the dates of your absence. Any specific requests or needs regarding your mentoring can be addressed to her.
  • Length of Mentorship is entirely up to you but we prefer a minimum of a six month commitment. Generally, the mentoring relationships are short-term. Please do not be discouraged if the mentoree chooses not to respond back to your e-mail; this is not a reflection on you. There will be times when a writer may just need to know that someone is listening. Be assured that God has used you to plant a seed of truth in the mentoree’s life and that God will continue to nourish that seed to become fruitful.
  • Examples of Letters  to mentorees from some of our mentors are posted here, for your interest.

We realize that mentors are not professional counselors, but merely Christians desiring to help others as best they can by sharing their life experiences and God-given resources to help others grow in their faith. When asked to address problems or concerns, we encourage you to pray for God’s guidance and focus the discussion on His Word.

As you prayerfully consider your part in this ministry, please take all of these details into consideration. Committed volunteers make this program possible.

Again, thank you for your interest in serving God in this way. Please proceed to the APPLICATION FORM, if you desire to join us. We look forward to hearing from you!

We welcome your comments.

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