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Live as Children of Light

Published on June 4, 2022

This winter, in a far North community, I experienced 24-hour darkness for the first time. A deep respect grew in my heart for the people who live there year-round and simply take it in stride.

I received an e-mail from a friend there yesterday exclaiming, “The sun is back!” The days will lengthen rapidly now, and in four short months, the land that was shrouded in total darkness will experience total light. Children will run and play in the streets at midnight with the sun high in the sky. With the light comes new life to the village. With the light comes a freedom to run and play without the heavy clothes of winter and the fear of polar bears in the shadows.

Light dispels darkness. A Bible verse reminds us about this very thing.

For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light.” (Ephesians 5:8)

If you have received the forgiveness Jesus holds out to each one of us and have invited Him into your life, you have moved from darkness into light. Are you living today as a child of light?

Have you shed the heavy parka of guilt and shame? Have you kicked off the boots that make your feet feel leaden as you go your own way? Are you still wearing winter mittens that cause your hands to fumble as you try to do what God wants? Does your life feel encumbered by fear that came from the darkness but has no place now in the light?

As a child of the light you are called to freedom; freedom to run and play and dance in the Son. Freedom that comes as you ask daily to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Freedom to be who God created you to be and fulfilled in the very depths of your soul.

Ask Him today to fill you afresh with His Spirit. Ask Him today to help you shed the heavy clothes of winter that drag you down. He can help you break that habit or overcome that discouragement. He can give you wisdom and open new paths for your feet. He can help you rise above the fears you still carry of shadows in the dark. His Holy Spirit can fill you with His power to live life far beyond your own very best efforts. Today, live as a child of the light!

Heavenly Father, Today I invite Your Holy Spirit into my life in a fresh and new way. I ask for Your help in understanding how to shed the heavy winter gear and the fears that linger so I can live in freedom. Fill me today, by the power of Your Holy Spirit, with everything I need for every step I take. Today I want to live as a child of the Light. Thank You that in You, this provision is possible. In the strong name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

by Gail Rodgers
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  Pressing the RESET button on our lives 

•   Keeping Yourself in God’s Love – even during painful times in your life

•  Salvation Explained

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