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Acknowledge Him

Published on December 28, 2011

by Gail Rodgers

We both entered the doorway at the same time. She paused and looking at me, waved her arm in front of her gesturing me to go first.  Acknowledging my presence she let me lead the way.

In much the same way God has given us the wise instruction to acknowledge Him in all of our ways; to look to Him and let Him lead the way. With that instruction comes the promise that He will direct our paths.

Today as you go through your day be mindful to acknowledge the Lord God in everything that concerns you. In doing so He will enter every situation and conversation ahead of you and He will direct the way.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.” Proverbs 3: 5 & 6

As you wake up not feeling enthusiastic about going to work:
Lord, please go ahead of me today as I walk into work. Give me peace and confidence as I acknowledge You as the source of this provision for me. Guide my path through this day as I work diligently for You.

As you walk into a meeting, a conversation, a change meeting on the street:
Lord, I step aside right now and ask You to step ahead of me and prepare the way so that my words and attitudes will bring Your light into this moment.

As you engage in your relationships and your work in your home:
Lord, thank you for my family. Right now I acknowledge that I need You to prepare the way as You go ahead of me into…  this supper hour/this hour that I work on my bills and finances/this time that I help the kids with their homework/this mountain of work that overwhelms me/this conversation I need to have with my spouse. Thank you for Your presence and Your promise.

As you feel weary and frustrated with tiredness and health issues:
Lord, I acknowledge You as my strength and my Great Physician. Please direct my path to greater health and give me Your strength and grace today.

Lord, I trust You with every detail of my life. I want to trust You more whole-heartedly every day. I know that my own understanding is so limited and I thank You that You see the whole picture. I ask You to go before me today, to remind me to acknowledge You throughout the events of my day. Thank you that You will guide me with Your wisdom and strength and You will make the way straight for me. I pray this in the powerful name of Jesus, amen.

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