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Published on January 17, 2012

by Alec Niemi

The last word found in the Bible is the word, “Amen.” It is also used in the previous verse. (Revelation 22:20,21) In verse 21 it is a summation of the desire for agreement to a statement that nothing be added to or taken from the book. The final ‘Amen‘ is affirmation of the desire for the grace of the Lord to be with those who read it.

The first occurrence of ‘Amen‘ in scripture is part of a test for when a husband has accused his wife of adultery but has no proof of the matter and she protests her innocence. The woman would be taken to the Tabernacle and go before the priest and he would put her under oath. She was then submitted to a ceremony in which she drank some water containing dust from the tabernacle floor. If she had committed adultery, she was cursed with a wasting disease, but if she did not get sick, then she was proven innocent and her husband was proven wrong. (Numbers 5:12-31)

During the ceremony, when the priest pronounced the curse, the woman was required by God to say, “Amen, Amen“.  (Numbers 5:22) The Lord here commands ‘Amen‘ to be said by a person who is yielding herself for an examination while in His presence.
In both instances, the first and the last, the fact is related that something is agreed upon. God said it and it is true. It is the affirmation of God’s truth.

Amen” is used throughout the Bible.
-“All the people said Amen.” (Nehemiah 5:13, 8:6).

-The Lord’s Prayer ends with “Amen.” (Matthew 6:13)

-Most books of the New Testament end with “Amen“.

-Paul uses it at the end of doxologies and benedictions.
When we say, “Amen,” it is saying, “Yes Lord I agree with you. It is true, It is true.” “Amen, Amen.”

-God loves us, “Amen!”

-He sent His Son to die and raise again that we might have eternal life. “Amen!”

-That if we confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in our hearts that God raised Him from the dead, we shall be saved. “Amen.” (Romans 10:9)

-We glorify with thanksgiving what He has done for us. “Amen.”

-The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. “Amen.” (Revelation 22:21)

My prayer for us this week
We answer, “Amen Lord.” Jeremiah 11:5b

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