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Choose Carefully

Published on August 29, 2023

Do you ever feel like God has not lived up to your expectation in some particular circumstance of your life? Perhaps you have believed… yet nothing has happened. When you feel confused and wondering if God has let you down, you have a choice to make.

You can choose to be offended at God’s seeming silence and disinterest and allow doubt to slip into your heart… or… you can choose to believe God loves you with a lavish love and has your best interest at heart… even when things seem to make no sense to you.

Jesus addressed this very thing. In His words to John the Baptist He says what our hearts still need to hear today…

Blessed are those who don’t doubt me.” (Matthew 11:6 The Living Bible)

Times come to all of us when God’s activity in our lives seems to make no sense. We wonder at the circumstances we find ourselves in and we may sometimes even feel abandoned by God. We could easily slip into doubting our great God.

Yet God tells us…

  •     He will never leave us nor forsake us. (Hebrews 13:5)
  •     He has lavished His great love on us. (1 John 3:1)
  •     He cares about the burdens we carry and invites us to cast them on Him to carry for us.
    (1 Peter 5:7)
  •     He invites us to learn His ways and find rest for our weary and burdened souls.
    (Matthew 11:2)

If your heart is heavy today because you feel confused about what God is doing in your life, know that you have a choice to make.

You can let doubt in Him slip in and permeate your soul… or you can let these truths penetrate your heart. Each will bring its own result. Choose carefully.

Jesus promises you will be blessed when you choose to keep trusting Him even when it seems to make no sense. Ask Him to help you keep your fragile faith intact and leave your hand in His. He will be true to His word and you will be blessed as you trust our faithful God.

Father God, Today I call out and ask You to increase my faith. It feels tattered and worn in the confusion of my present circumstance. Help Your truths to penetrate my heart and my mind. Help me as I choose to trust You, my faithful God. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

By Gail Rodgers
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  Choose Trust – by Kathy Cheek

•  Choose What You Think About by Max Lucado

•  You Get to Choose – by Mary Pinckney


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