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Dishonest Scales

Published on January 31, 2014

old scaleby Vonette Bright

The Lord detests the use of dishonest scales, but He delights in accurate weights.” Proverbs 11:1

Amanda received too much change for her purchase.
She knew it and said nothing.
When it came time to report waitressing tips on her tax return, she didn’t reflect all she received.
Amanda was a Christian.  But what were her actions indicating?!

Then she heard a sermon on Proverbs 11.  Verse one says,
The Lord detests the use of dishonest scales, but He delights in accurate weights.”
Her pastor told how merchants would hollow out a five pound weight.
Instead of five pounds, the unsuspecting customer would go home with only four pounds of grain.
Then the pastor applied this verse to today.  God opened Amanda’s eyes to her wrongdoing.

With God’s help, her actions from now on would reflect her faith accurately.
Dear friend, do any of your actions involve ’dishonest weights?’

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