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Never Alone

Published on May 8, 2015

daily devotional“I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.Psalm 16:8

As a single woman, I have a lot of freedom. But with freedom comes occasional loneliness. Many of my friends and co-workers are married. They go home to their husband and kids. The weekend is filled with activities and family time.

Though I am happy with my life and content with my situation, sometimes I wish I had a person to share life with on a daily basis.

The longing for companionship is part of being human. God created us to need other people. But, primarily, He made us to need Him. God wants to fulfill our need for companionship. He is always with us. He is there to guide us in making decisions. He is there to teach us and show us His love through our circumstances.

Since Jesus is not physically present with us, we can easily forget that He is there. As we go about our day and feel frustrated, excited or nervous, we crave the chance to share those experiences with someone. Sometimes a flesh-and-bone friend is there. But we need to remember that God is there too. His Spirit lives in every believer. Closer than a best friend, He is there to listen and show us His love in the middle of our circumstances. If we pay attention, we can be aware of His presence and experience His companionship through every part of our day. We will find His friendship to be unshakable.

Lord, thank You for being my friend and constant companion. Please show Yourself in every situation I go through. Amen.

Thought: Keep in mind throughout the day that you are not alone. God is there. Set an alarm on your phone, tape a reminder on your desk, or write a message on your hand: “God is with you. He is at your right hand.”

By Debbie West

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