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 “Pray for each other so that you may be healed” (James 5:16).

We were driving to an evening meeting where we would be sharing what God was doing through the ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ, Canada. I had had a long day at work and was very tired.

On the way, I started experiencing extreme pain in my upper back. It became so severe that I felt nauseous. When we got to the meeting, I asked Marvin, “Will you pray for me? My back is so sore, and I feel terribly sick.”

He put his hand on my back and asked God to heal me. A simple prayer, but as he prayed I felt a warmth come over my back. After the prayer, we got out of the car and went to the meeting. Immediately we began interacting with the guests and I didn’t think about my back until later.

This incident took place many years ago. One of the presentations that evening was on the great potential of reaching and discipling people around the world through the internet. During that presentation, God tapped me on the shoulder and told me that this was where He wanted me to spend my energy from now on. God has a sense of humor, because I had just recently learned how to use a computer and I didn’t know anything about the internet.

However, when I yielded the control of my life to God years ago, I said I would be obedient to do whatever He asked me to do. I trusted Him to provide the qualified staff, funding, and everything else needed to develop a successful website. God blessed far beyond my wildest dreams. Thousands of people have come to faith in Christ and are being discipled and trained. To Him be the glory!

God healed my back and the pain did not return. I suspect the enemy was trying to stop me from going to this meeting, so I wouldn’t get the vision of reaching and discipling people through the internet.

I am so thankful that my husband prayed for me. I am so thankful God healed me. I am so thankful He provides all I need. I must be obedient to His call.

How about you? Is something stopping you from being obedient to God’s call? Why not ask someone to pray for you?

Father, thank You for Your healing power. Thank You for Your abundant provision to heed Your call on our life. Thank You for the privilege to work alongside You in what You are doing. I love You! Amen.

by Katherine Kehler

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Healing Oil | Thoughts about God by Katherine Kehler