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Pride & Prejudice Today

Published on February 6, 2021

If anyone thinks they are something when they are not, they deceive themselves. Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else, for each one should carry their own load.”  Galatians 6:3-5

There is a classic movie based on a book written by Jane Austen that portrays how both personal pride and prejudice affect relationships. Much misunderstanding and hurt occurs when these two attributes collide!

However, it is human nature to try to judge or cast blame on others rather than to acknowledge one’s own sin. In our minds, we naturally reason that it is almost always “someone else’s fault” that our personal world is in a mess! If only a situation was different, then we would be truly happy, or if someone would not have done what he or she did, then it would not have ruined the day!

My father often states, “There are two kinds of people in the world — saved sinners and unsaved sinners.” His point is that no one has the right to throw stones at someone else (John 8:1-7) because we are all in the same sinful state apart from the salvation that was bought by Jesus’ death on the cross. As Romans 3:23 says,

“For all have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory.”

Comparing ourselves to others usually leads to an unhealthy pride in ourselves and prejudice against others which comes across as judgmental whether it is meant to be or not. We each have our own “load” to carry in life, and we can be proud of ourselves when we are faithful in each task God has given us, and a little less concerned about what our brother or sister is or is not doing!

Father God, help us to focus on our own issues and stop comparing ourselves with others around us. Our self-worth is built on being your children and honoring you with what we do and say, so please teach us to love and accept others as you have made them, just as you love and accept us with all of our faults. Amen.

Today, when you find yourself being critical of someone else, acknowledge this to God, and ask him to give you his eyes to see that person as he sees him or her.

By Karen Woodard
Used by Permission

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