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Do You Want Change?

Published on November 10, 2021

If change bothers you, look to the One who never changes. Only things that are eternal remain the same

“I the Lord do not change”  Malachi 3:6

The register rang up $19.98. I handed the cashier a $20 bill. She asked, “Do you want change?”
I smiled. “Not really, but nothing stays the same does it?” We both laughed.

Oh, how we hate change…
Isn’t it strange that we so greatly resist, even dislike, change when life on earth is always changing?

Babies grow into toddlers, then to kids, then to teens, and hopefully into competent adults. Even then, our bodies continue to change. Our metabolism slows, our skin wrinkles, our bellies widen. Our joints ache, and our stamina lessens.

The seasons change, right? Temperatures dip, leaves turn colors, and rains pound, then maybe snow falls. Temps rise and the squiggly miraging heat on the pavement make us wilt and dream of cool streams and sandy beaches.

The moon waxes and wanes, tides ebb and flow, and rivers slowly carve out a new course. Flowers bloom, then wilt. Seeds push through the ground and grow into plants. Caterpillars turn into butterflies.

Political opinions change. Social standards change. Fashions change. So do relationships, friendships, and the desire to keep vows.

And still we resist…

If change bothers you, look to the One who never changes. Only things that are eternal remain the same:

God’s love
God’s grace
God’s mercy
Christ’s death that eradicates confessed sins.
The Holy Spirit’s guidance.

When you seek the things eternal and set your mind on the things that are above instead of earthly things, as Paul states in Colossians 3:2, you are going to change. Sorry, but it’s true. And that’s okay.

You will be less stressed. Less anxious. Less swayed by emotional ups and downs. Calmer, more at peace, and joyful. Things will have a positive reflection instead of a negative influence. Your posture will be more upright and your step lighter. Your burden will seem less heavy. People may even react to you differently.
Do you want change?

By Julie Cosgrove
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•   Stepping Into a Personal Revival
•   We Plan – God Directs
•  Salvation Explained

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