If I was to tell you who I am in one breath, I’d go with this: Christ-follower, wife, mom, author, speaker, minister, Christian resource creator… and then we’d both be snoring by then.
Therefore, let me put it this way. I love adventure, and travelling. I learn best about God when I see majestic natural beauties, or when I’m knee deep into some disaster my pride has created.
I live and breathe for Jesus, and for all to taste and see His magnificent loving grace.
I’m a mess, but Jesus thinks I am to die for.
I love people dearly, and believe in the precious value and dignity of those carrying the image of God. That’s why I do what I do.
All of that and more informs my writing and resource creating.
I’m here to serve you.
I’m originally from Montreal, Canada, and I currently live with my husband, JB, in West Africa.