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Feeling Lost?

Published on August 25, 2020

“Commit your works (actions) to the LORD, and your thoughts will be established.”  Proverbs 16:3 (NKJV)

This week I’ve heard several people express a sense of simply feeling rather lost. They had hoped for more of a sense of direction as fall approached. The causes are varied but the feeling is the same.

  • Some are tired of the constant unknowns
  • Some feel at a loss as to what to do next
  • Some are discouraged
  • Some are fearful of their tomorrows
  • Some are grieving loss of what is gone

We all have times when uncertainty gets to us. There is a need to have our thoughts established or we can find they can go off the rails and drag us down.

Here is a short exercise that is helpful when we feel at a loss during the day. It makes a world of difference to pause and practice these four steps. We can find our way forward step-by-step with God’s help.


F- Focus check.  Check in on yourself and see where your thoughts are focusing.
Acknowledge if you are leaning too much toward the negative side and choose to make a change. Be honest.

I –  Invite God.    Pray a simple prayer of invitation to ask God for His help in choosing   your focus today. Be sincere.

N- Name your blessings.      Look around with fresh eyes to see what blessings you have  right now and thank God for them. It can be easy to lose sight of them when question marks swirl. Be specific.

D- Do something specific.    Get up and choose one activity or task and do it for 15 minutes. Take a quick walk, tidy a shelf or drawer, plan what you   need for your next project.
Be intentional.

Lord God, Thank you for Your promise that when I commit my way to You, even when I don’t know what to do next, You can be counted on to establish my thinking and help me find my way forward. Thank you for the good things in my life. I need You Lord and I thank you for Your presence with me. Guide me and hold me steady today. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

By Gail Rodgers
Used by Permission

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