June 3, 2022
Never Thirsty
Draw from Him today. He will never leave you thirsty for something else.
Read more..Draw from Him today. He will never leave you thirsty for something else.
Read more..Someone once said, “If you believe one-tenth of what you say you believe you should be ten times more excited than you are.” And I ask myself the question: Where and why do we fall short?
Read more..Are we looking at the wrong things to be our “Enough”? Or could it be we’re looking in the wrong places?
Read more..If others are to see His life, we need to step out of the way and become a corner in this dark world where the life of Christ can be reflected.
Read more..Complete and final forgiveness is ours only through our Lord Jesus Christ. “For there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12).
Read more..There is much in the world that tempts us to fear. Fear is typical in a world like ours. But we’re told 365 times in Scripture to “Fear Not!”
Read more..Don't miss out on the joy of offering the "sacrifice of praise to God continually."
Read more..The message of the Cross is this: "God is for us." (Romans 8:31) Relax beneath the smiling face of God.
Read more..We are of more value to God than many of the creatures. “How much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him” (Matthew 6:11).
Read more..You know what it’s like to ride with someone who knows all the back roads. The “easy” roads. The “secret” way to get places. But you also know the truth. It’s not really “secret.” It’s just not commonly used.
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