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Thoughts By Claire Colvin

January 27, 2021

Lean on Jesus

When you feel like you don’t have the strength, the energy, the grace, or the love to do what he’s asking you to do, rely on  the Holy Spirit.

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December 20, 2020

When Christmas Does Not Look Like Christmas

Christmas doesn’t look like Christmas at all, (especially with the challenges of COVID 19

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November 1, 2020

Guard Your Heart

“Above all else, guard your heart, for it affects everything you do.” Proverbs 4:23 (NLT) Years ago I said to my brother, “I’m not sure if that’s supposed to be a compliment or an insult.” I’ll never forget what he said next.

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September 7, 2020

Loose the Weight of Shame

Have you ever played Hide and Seek with a two-year-old?

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April 16, 2020

The Other Side of Confession

It is so easy to see our own flaws and shortcomings. But when God sees us He doesn’t only see what we’ve done, He sees who we are. There are two sides to confession. Agree with God about what you have done and repent, but don’t miss the other side. Agree with God about who you are: loved and wanted and precious and worth dying for.

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February 23, 2020

Chaos Now For Beauty Later

If your life feels like a frustrating mess right now is it possible that God has renovations underway? Question: Is your life under construction? What verses do you find helpful when the world tilts? How has God brought beauty out of your chaos in the past?

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December 2, 2019

God Will Not Waste Your Life

I lose sight of that sometimes. In the midst of an ordinary day I forget that I have this incredible hope. When I feel weak, forgotten, worn out or left behind it’s often because I’ve taken my eyes off of the hope that Jesus bought for me on the cross.

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May 25, 2019

Starting From Scratch

Things that are unthinkable for us are not unimaginable to God. When you feel doubt and worry creep in, lean in to God.

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May 27, 2015

Standing on One Leg

“He rescued me from my powerful enemy, from my foes, who were too strong for

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