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Thoughts By Charles Stanley

July 11, 2022

Praying in a Crisis

We’re often so absorbed in our own life that we fail to see the crises others are facing.

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June 29, 2022

Learning to Forgive

“Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Mathew 11:28)

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June 27, 2022

Life’s Passing Storms

Where is God? Why has this happened? Was it something I did? Did God cause it, and if so, why?

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June 22, 2022

Our Father’s Unconditional Love

What peace there is for Christians in the Almighty’s unfailing, unconditional care! Ask Him to help you start to grasp how great His love is.

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June 11, 2022

The Blessing of Inadequacy

Our insufficiency drives us to God. When we realize a situation is bigger than we can handle, we're quick to open the Bible and diligently pray for guidance and power.

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June 5, 2022

When We Feel Burned Out

Burn Out. What emotions come to mind when you hear the words burden and burnout? These terms make us sigh, don’t they?

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June 2, 2022

Overcoming Obstacles

The Lord has a beautiful plan for each believer’s life. But to thwart God’s purposes, Satan sprinkles obstacles in our path.

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May 27, 2022

Jesus Identifies With Our Needs

Whatever your needs may be, you can follow Christ’s example and experience the Father’s provision.

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May 14, 2022

The Source of Our Adversity

When we experience hardships, we usually wonder why God allows these painful situations to come our way. It just doesn't seem to fit with His role as our loving heavenly Father. We struggle to...

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April 28, 2022

Healing for Our Hurts

Unhealed hurts can lead to various symptoms, such as feelings of inferiority, fear of failure or criticism, and oversensitivity.

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