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Thoughts By Charles Stanley

October 20, 2022

How Comforters Are Created

Even hardship and pain have a place in God’s plan for each believer. During a particularly painful time in my life, I decided that I should learn something from my distress, as Job did.

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October 15, 2022

Costly Forgiveness

Our forgiveness toward others should have no limitations. God’s unconditional pardon of our sins destroys any excuse we might devise for holding onto bitterness.

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September 18, 2022

Choosing Love over Rights

Instead of focusing on the privileges due us, we should take the biblical perspective of loving enemies and forgiving persecutors (Matthew 5:44). Believers lay down their rights so they can take up the cause of a holy kingdom. That doesn’t mean that we let people trample on us.

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September 15, 2022

Dealing with Discouragement

Discouragement is a state of mind in which we become faint-hearted and lose confidence in God, ourselves, or others.

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September 5, 2022

Truth Can Set You Free

Freedom is something we all love, but do we really know what it is? Some people think it’s being able to choose or act with few if any restraints, limits, or accountabilities. But that is what God calls rebellion

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August 17, 2022

Maintaining Joy

Amid the ups and downs of life, does God’s joy sustain you? Or do trials leave you hopeless and discontented? Our Father offers a higher way of living—not without pain but with strength to endure. Continually remember the vast treasure you have in Him and His

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August 13, 2022

Overcoming the Barrier of Inadequacy

It's really a matter of faith. God would never ask you to do something without empowering you to accomplish it. This doesn't necessarily mean you will do it perfectly, but each step of obedience is a victory. The alternative is to play it safe, but then you'll miss out on God's best for your life.

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August 4, 2022

Our Way or God’s Way

In tough situations, rely on God’s logic and strength. God’s way is best!

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July 29, 2022

Growth through Suffering

When we focus on God, we are in a better position to grow in maturity and godliness. When our suffering persists, the Lord may also have other purposes in mind:

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July 26, 2022

Crying Out to God

Crying Out to God: When a crisis comes, cry out to our almighty God, but be sure you do so with a righteous heart. Then He will hear and answer—either fulfilling your hoped-for request or providing a different solution.

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